Monster Sanctuary Wiki
#102 - Ascendant
Ascendant journal
Icon weakness earth
Icon wind resistance
Icon Fire
Icon Water
Icon Wind
Icon Neutral
Ascendant Ascendant light Ascendant dark
Icon attack

Icon magic
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐          

Icon defense

Icon health

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐        

Icon attack

Icon magic
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐

Icon defense

Icon health
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐         

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐

Icon attack

Icon magic
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐        

Icon defense

Icon health
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐          

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐      

Secret Vision

  • Materializes invisible platforms
Common Loot
Icon lootbox Craft Box
Icon skill potion Skill Potion

Rare Loot
Icon bead chain Bead Chain
Icon primordial branch Primordial Branch
Whenever this Monster receives a Buff, 55% chance to share the Buff with an allied Monster.
The Critical Chance and Critical Damage of every consecutive hit during an ability is increased by 2.5% continuously. - (For a 4 hit attack it is +0%, +2.5%, +5%, +7.5%)


It is said that Ascendants are Monks that have attained a higher state of existence through ceaseless meditation. Most Ascendants immediately leave our world behind, as they no longer have any concerns for material affairs. Very few Ascendants stay behind to help Monks and humans come to see the universal truths that are known only to them. Instead, of seeing the world like we do, the large almond-shaped eyes of Ascendants reveal the underlying truths, structures and systems that govern our world.


There have been a number of individuals in history who have claimed to have seen an Ascendant in their dreams. Ascendants would sometimes talk to humans in their dreams to impart revelatory insights or dire warning about the future. Upon waking, some of these humans would possess abilities that they were never capable of before, such as marvelous levels of craftmanship or martial arts.


Ascendant is an optional Champion Monster in the Blue Caves. Unlike most Champion Monsters, achieving a 5-star rating will not reward you with its egg but instead a Primordial Branch catalyst. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it can only be obtained through evolution. Click here for more details!

In the lower east area of the Blue Caves, you can find a waterfall as well as a blocked gate in the nearby room. Use a Monster with Summon Big Rock to activate the ground switch, which creates a grappling anchor, and then a Monster with Grapple on the anchor to open the gate. In the next room, you will spot Ascendant past another waterfall. The Ascendant will always fight alongside two Monks.

Ascendant Champ Location

In Randomizer and Bravery, it is possible to obtain its egg from certain NPCs, Monster chests, or Reward Boxes.


Ascendant evolves from Monk with the Primordial Branch evolution catalyst.


Icon heal
Skill lvl 1
Icon mana healing
Icon heal
Skill lvl 2
Icon mana plus
Icon defense plus
Icon meditation
Icon heal
Skill lvl 3
Icon healing wave
Skill lvl 1
Icon crit chance plus
Icon health plus
Icon bolster
Icon heal
Skill lvl 4
Icon healing wave
Skill lvl 2
Icon critical healing
Icon path to ascension
Icon heroic party
Icon heal
Skill lvl 5
Icon healing wave
Skill lvl 3
Icon crit chance plus
Icon cleansing flame
Skill lvl 1
Icon mana stability
Icon cleansing flame
Skill lvl 2
Icon heat shimmer
Skill lvl 1
Icon cascade
Icon mana plus
Icon magic plus
Icon cleansing flame
Skill lvl 3
Icon heat shimmer
Skill lvl 2
Icon mana proc
Icon magic plus
Icon concealed
Icon cleansing flame
Skill lvl 4
Icon heat shimmer
Skill lvl 3
Icon punishment
Icon whirlwind
Skill lvl 1
Icon heroism
Icon whirlwind
Skill lvl 2
Icon crit chance plus
Icon defense plus
Icon critical mass
Icon whirlwind
Skill lvl 3
Icon crit damage plus
Icon magic plus
Icon evasion
Icon whirlwind
Skill lvl 4
Icon helping hand
Skill lvl 1
Icon cleansing sidekick
Icon path to knowledge
Icon whirlwind
Skill lvl 5
Icon helping hand
Skill lvl 2
Icon anti cascade
Icon sidekick
Skill lvl 1
Icon combo buffing
Icon apprentice
Skill lvl 1
Icon magic plus
Icon health plus
Icon crit chance plus
Icon apprentice
Skill lvl 2
Icon multi sidekick
Icon aging
Icon mana plus
Icon apprentice
Skill lvl 3
Icon whirlpool
Skill lvl 1
Icon outlast
Icon path to valhalla
Icon critical buffs
Icon whirlpool
Skill lvl 2
Icon age of purification
Icon full potential Icon replenish Icon arcane obliteration

List Form[]

Damaging Actions
Skill Icon mana Effect
Icon whirlwind Whirlwind
Icon Magical
Icon Wind
50 5 x 30% (150%) damage + Cannot be dodged
lv2 80 5 x 40% (200%) damage + Cannot be dodged
lv3 110 6 x 40% (240%) damage + Cannot be dodged
lv4 160 6 x 55% (330%) damage + Cannot be dodged
lv5 200 6 x 70% (420%) damage + Cannot be dodged
Icon cleansing flame Cleansing Flame
Icon Magical
Icon Fire
80 5 x 40% (200%) damage + Removes 1 Buff from target
lv2 125 5 x 55% (275%) damage + Removes 2 Buffs from target
lv3 170 5 x 70% (350%) damage + Removes 2 Buffs from target
lv4 220 5 x 90% (450%) damage + Removes 3 Buffs from target
Icon heat shimmer Heat Shimmer
Icon Magical
Icon Fire
120 3 x 100% (300%) damage + Applies Glory (Buff) to self
lv2 170 4 x 95% (380%) damage + Applies Glory (Buff) to self
lv3 230 5 x 95% (475%) damage + Applies Glory (Buff) to self
Icon whirlpool Whirlpool
Icon Magical
Icon Water
170 5 x 70% (350%) damage + Removes 2 Debuffs from Caster
lv2 220 6 x 70% (420%) damage + Removes 3 Debuffs from Caster

Non-damaging Actions
Skill Icon mana Effect
Icon sidekick Sidekick lv1
60 Applies Sidekick (Buff) to whole party
Icon apprentice Apprentice lv1
80 Applies Sidekick (Buff) to whole party, and Spellshield (Buff) to 1 Monster
lv2 110 Applies Sidekick (Buff) to whole party, and Spellshield (Buff) to 2 Monsters
lv3 150 Applies Sidekick & Spellshield (Buffs) to whole party
Icon heal Heal lv1
40 Heal target for 4 x (60 + 20%
Icon magic
lv2 70 Heal target for 5 x (70 + 25%
Icon magic
lv3 100 Heal target for 6 x (85 + 25%
Icon magic
lv4 140 Heal target for 7 x (100 + 25%
Icon magic
lv5 190 Heal target for 8 x (130 + 25%
Icon magic
Icon healing wave Healing Wave lv1
100 Heal all for (250 + 80%
Icon magic
lv2 150 Heal all for 2 x (200 + 50%
Icon magic
lv3 210 Heal all for 3 x (200 + 40%
Icon magic
Icon helping hand Helping Hand lv1
150 Heal target for 5 x (110 + 50%
Icon magic
) + Applies Sidekick (Buff)
lv2 200 Heal target for 5 x (150 + 55%
Icon magic
) + Applies Sidekick & Regeneration (Buffs)

Ultimate Skills
Icon full potential Full Potential 220
Icon mana
Shield target for 25% of target's
Icon health

Applies Might, Sorcery, Regeneration, Sidekick, Agility, and Spellshield to target
Icon replenish Replenish 240
Icon mana
Heal all allies for 2 x (350 + 50%
Icon magic
Shield all allies for 2 x (350 + 50%
Icon magic
Icon arcane obliteration Arcane Obliteration 230
Icon mana
2 x 165% (330%)
Icon Magical
Icon Neutral
damage to all enemies
Removes 2 Buffs from targets

Stat Boost Passives
Skill Effect
Icon magic plus Magic Plus x4 Improve
Icon magic
rating by 1
Icon defense plus Defense Plus x2 Improve
Icon defense
rating by 1
Icon health plus Health Plus x2 Improve
Icon health
rating by 1
Icon mana plus Mana Plus x3 Improve
Icon mana
rating by 1
Icon crit chance plus Crit Chance Plus x4 +5% Critical Chance
Icon crit damage plus Crit Damage Plus +15% Critical Damage
Icon mana stability Mana Stability Increases Defense by 15% of this Monster's Max Mana.
Icon evasion Evasion Critical Chance also increases the chance to dodge enemy hits by 20% of the value.

Aura Passives
Skill Effect
Icon multi sidekick Multi Sidekick Aura: Sidekick (Buff) can be stacked two additional times. Additional stacks have only a 50% chance to trigger.
Icon cleansing sidekick Cleansing Sidekick Unique Aura: Sidekick hits also remove a Buff from the target.
Icon outlast Outlast Unique Aura: When an allied Monster gains their first, second, or third Age stack, they also gain a shield equal to 15% of their Max Health.
Icon path to ascension Path to Ascension Unique Aura: When an allied Spirit gets attacked, it has a 75% chance to gain Channel or Regeneration. They can gain an additional stack of those Buffs.
Icon heroic party Heroic Party Aura: Every Monster in the party deals 1% increased damage for each Buff on it.
Icon punishment Punishment Unique Aura: Whenever an allied Monster removes a Buff from an enemy with an attack, there is 50% chance the attack deals an additional 30% damage hit.
Icon path to knowledge Path to Knowledge Unique Aura: When an allied Mage gets attacked, it has a 75% chance to gain Sorcery or Barrier. They can gain an additional stack of those Buffs.
Icon path to valhalla Path to Valhalla Unique Aura: When an allied Warrior gets attacked, it has a 75% chance to gain Might or Glory. They can gain an additional stack of those Buffs.
Icon age of purification Age of Purification Unique Aura: Whenever an ally gets an Age stack, remove a harmful Stack from all allies. (Bleed, Wound, Blind, Tether)

Skill Effect
Icon mana healing Mana Healing Healing actions trigger an additional Heal on the Monster with the lowest Health equal to 50% of Max Mana value.
Icon combo buffing Combo Buffing Every Buff action applies one additional random Buff.
Icon mana proc Mana Proc Every attack triggers an additional hit equal to 50% of Max Mana.

Special Passives
Skill Effect
Icon heroism Heroism Deals 2% increased damage for every Buff on this Monster.
Icon meditation Meditation Whenever this Monster spends a turn without attacking an enemy, it gains 6 Charge stacks.
Icon cascade Cascade The power of every consecutive hit during an ability is increased by 5% continuously. (For a 4 hit attack: +0%, +5%, +10%, +15%)
Icon critical mass Critical Mass 50% chance to gain a random Buff when landing a Critical Hit.
Icon aging Aging At the end of its turn, this Monster gains an Age stack.
Icon bolster Bolster Healing actions apply two random Buffs to the target. (Multi-Target-Heals apply one random Buff to each target)
Icon critical healing Critical Healing Healing actions can land a "Critical Heal" to heal for an increased amount, based on Critical Chance and Critical Damage. (Triggering any Crit-based skills)
Icon concealed Concealed During its first round, this Monster has an additional 25% chance to dodge enemy hits.
Icon anti cascade Anti Cascade Reduces enemy damage by 3% for every consecutive hit. (1st hit: 0% reduction, 2nd hit: 3% reduction, 3rd hit: 6% reduction)
Icon critical buffs Critical Buffs When applying a Buff, there is a chance to also apply 2 Charge stacks, equal to this Monster's Critical Chance.

Encounter Loadouts[]

Wild Battles[]

Below are the skills Ascendant has in wild encounters (including Champion battles). In Infinity Arena, the difficulty is always set to Normal and Monsters can use their Ultimate skills upon reaching level 100.

Known Skills

Icon whirlwind Icon cleansing flame Icon whirlpool Icon heal


Icon mana proc Icon punishment Icon multi sidekick Icon critical mass Icon cleansing sidekick Icon meditation Icon critical healing Icon path to ascension Icon path to knowledge Icon path to valhalla

Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus

Master Mode

Icon mana healing Icon evasion Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus

Keeper Duels[]


Builds & Discussions[]

For a list of all useful guides and links, check this page.

