Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Species Human
Gender Male
Affiliation Monster Keeper

Appearances Blue Caves
Sun Palace
Horizon Beach
Magma Chamber
Mystical Workshop

Bex is an NPC who travels around the Sanctuary, checking out fun and exciting new places all the time. Below is a listing of all the places where you can encounter him in the game, currently, along with the rewards obtained for finding him. He always appears in order in these locations, start to finish, and you must encounter every one of them in order to trigger the battle that rewards you with his favorite Monster, Skorch.


You can encounter Bex throughout the game. If you follow the progression of areas according to appearance in the Monster Journal, these encounters will happen naturally in the proper order. For exact locations on each map, check individual area pages or the screenshots.

Blue Caves[]

Bex Blue Caves Terrain

He talks of being a wanderer. He has monsters, but doesn't fight Champions. He commends you for the amount of Champions you've defeated. After mentioning finding treasure occasionally, he gives you three Crystal Shards and explains what they do.

Sun Palace[]

Bex Sun Palace Terrain

He pontificates on the Sun Palace being full of scary monsters and suggests that he's definitely not going to delve down into the underwater parts, because he doesn't know what kind of monsters are down there. He gives you three Monster Bells and explains what they do.

Horizon Beach[]

Bex Horizon Beach Terrain

Bex goes on about the mountains in the area. He remarks that, while Snowy Peaks has taller peaks, the Horizon Beach has better views. He explains the concept of Improved Flying and mentions that he prefers to climb mountains with his own strength. He gives you a Switch Stone and explains what it does.

Magma Chamber[]

Bex Magma Chamber Terrain

ADD DETAILS ON BEX ENCOUNTER.Bex can be found 2 map squares down and west of the teleporter stone He challenges you to a Keeper Duel. All of his monsters are Design Contest winners.

Manticorb dark

Sycophantom light


Caraglow dark

Salahammer light


Skorch Egg

After defeating him, he'll give you a Skorch Egg. This is notable as the only way to obtain Skorch in the game outside of Reward Boxes.

Mystical Workshop[]

Bex Mystical Workshop Terrain

Bex mentions how he didn't know this area existed, even though it's so close to the Stronghold. He's fascinated by how some areas in the Monster Sanctuary can only be reached using certain Monsters. He also mentions how your fates are intertwined, and gives you a Shift Stone.
