Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Channeling Sustain
Skill Effect
Icon channeling sustain Channeling Sustain Unique Aura: Channel also heals your Monsters by 100% of this Monster's Max Mana at the start of every turn.


Channeling Sustain is a Unique Aura passive skill that heals each allied Monster with Channel at the start of every turn. For the first Channel stack, the heal value on an allied Monster is equal to 100% of the Max Mana of the Monster with this passive. The value is reduced to 50% for additional stacks. Each Channel stack on a Monster applies a heal. For example, a Monster with three Channel stacks will receive three healing instances, but only the first stack provides the full value. Unlike most other effects that trigger at the start of every turn, Channeling Sustain does not trigger when the Monster with this passive is switched into combat.

The healing is applied by the Monster with the Channeling Sustain passive, triggering and being affected by any effects owned by the Monster or originating from other Auras, such as Healing Shield, Heal Charging, and Harp. Multiple instances of allied Channeling Sustain on the field do not stack, and only the frontmost Monster's Channeling Sustain takes effect. For example:
  • Monster A is in the second position with 100 Max Mana.
  • Monster B is in the third position with 150 Max Mana and has learned Healing Shield.

Monster A's Channeling Sustain takes effect. Therefore, Channeling Sustain heals based on Monster A's Max Mana and would not trigger Monster B's Healing Shield.


Monster Elements Stats Count
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
52 Kanko Kanko Icon FireIcon WindIcon Neutral Icon weakness earth Icon fire resistance
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108 Amberlgna Amberlgna Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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