Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Divine Shield
Shift Passive
Icon light passive Divine Shield
Whenever this Monster receives a Buff, it gains a Shield equal to 5% of its Maximum Health and 1 Charge stack.


Divine Shield is a Light Shift passive that shields and applies a Charge stack to the Monster with this passive whenever it receives a Buff. The shield value on the Monster is equal to 5% of its Max Health. Receiving additional stacks of a Buff does not affect this passive.

The shielding is applied by the Monster with the Divine Shield passive, triggering and being affected by any effects owned by the Monster or originating from other Auras, such as Copy Shield, Shield Aura, and Drum. Gaining Charge stacks will also trigger other effects, such as Charging Shield and Charged Chant.


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
55 Ucan light Ucan Icon WaterIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon water resistance
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56 Brawlish light Brawlish Icon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness wind Icon water resistance
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62 Goblin Miner light Goblin Miner Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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90 Darnation light Darnation Icon FireIcon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness windIcon weakness fire Icon physical resistance
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104 Rampede light Rampede Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness magical Icon physical resistance
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