Monster Sanctuary Wiki

This page is for laying out all the steps required to update pages on the wiki based on new patches, or required changes.


New Monsters[]

A couple locations in the wiki have to be updated to add a new monster to a Template:MonsterTable.

  1. Monster_Shifting
  2. Monsters
  3. Crafting Materials ??? There's a drop table, but I'm not sure if we should support that anymore.

Also create the new monster's page, and make sure to add the correct categories.


  1. Play in fullscreen at 1920x1080 resolution.
  2. It's best to capture the screen of the monster when attempting to use a Shift Stone, as all three images of the monster will be on screen, and the animations will also be in sync.
  3. Capture the screen, crop in an image editor (make sure the background is transparent), and upload as either <Monster Name>.png, or <Monster Name>_light.png and <Monster Name>_dark.png for the light and dark shifts. For example Steam_Golem.png, Steam_Golem_light.png, and Steam_Golem_dark.png.

General Info[]

  1. Update the Template:Monsters with the necessary information for the monster.


  1. Order of types should reflect the order in the Monster Journal.
  2. Find the monster's page and update the Template:MonsterGallery.

Attack Types[]

  1. Order of attack types should be in this order (based off of Avatar): Neutral, Water, Earth, Fire, Wind.
  2. Update the corresponding to include the monster in the Template:MonsterTable.


  1. Order should reflect the order in the Monster Journal.
  2. Update the corresponding and pages with the monster in the Template:MonsterTable.


  1. Order should reflect the general order of appearance in game (the general area progression the player will go through)
  2. Update the Monster_List_by_Area page, and also update the corresponding page.


  1. Order should reflect the Monster Journal (going from top to bottom).
  2. Update the Template:MonsterGallery on the individual items pages.

Explore Ability[]

  1. Update the Template:MonsterGallery in the Explore Abilities page.

Shift Abilities[]

  1. We currently don't have individual Shift Abilities pages. If we do, update those.


  1. Update the corresponding Template:SkillList on the monster's page.
  2. Update the corresponding Template:SkillTree on the monster's page.
  3. On the individual skill's page, update the Template:MonsterTable to include the monster.


  1. Make sure to add the item to the Template:Items template, and fill in the necessary properties.
  2. Also update the Template:GetItemImage with the new item if it requires special handling for the image.
  3. Create the individual item page, and make sure add the correct categories.
  4. For Weapons, update the Weapons page to include showing that weapon.
  5. For Accessories, update the Accessories page to include showing that accessory.
  6. Update the Template:CraftingRecipe template to also have the upgrade requirements.
  7. Update the Consumable, Food, Catalyst, or Key Item page to include displaying the item.
  8. For Costumes, update the Costume page.


  1. Item icons should be 32x32 pixels. These can be obtained by playing fullscreen in 1920x1080 resolution, capturing the screen, then scaling the image down 50% (normal screen capture has each in-game pixel as 4 normal pixels).


  1. Update either the Template:Skills, Template:Passives or Template:Ultimates templates.
  2. For Shift Abilities, update the Template:Shifts template.
  3. If the skill has an effect, update the corresponding Status Effects page to include the skill.