Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Force of Nature
Icon force of nature Force of Nature 240
Icon mana
2 x 150% (300%)
Icon Magical
Icon Earth
damage to all enemies
Heal all allies for 1 x (750 + 120%
Icon magic


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
2 Spectral Toad Spectral Toad Icon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon water resistance
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25 Druid Oak Druid Oak Icon WaterIcon Earth Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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42 Ninki Ninki Icon WaterIcon Earth Icon weakness fireIcon weakness wind Icon magical resistance
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43 Ninki Nanka Ninki Nanka Icon FireIcon WaterIcon Earth Icon weakness fireIcon weakness wind Icon magical resistance
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106 Krakaturtle Krakaturtle Icon FireIcon WaterIcon Earth Icon weakness debuff Icon fire resistance
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