Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Skill Effect
Icon fuel Fuel Unique Aura: Whenever an enemy takes Burn damage, each Monster in your party gains a Charge stack.


Fuel is a Unique Aura passive skill that applies a Charge stack to each allied Monster whenever an enemy takes Burn damage. On subsequent Burn damage procs on an enemy, there is a 50% chance that this passive will trigger on each allied Monster (not all will receive the stack). For example, if an enemy has three stacks of Burn, each allied Monster will receive a Charge stack from the first Burn damage proc, but each of them has a 50% chance to receive another stack from the second and third Burn damage procs.

Monsters that receive the Charge stacks will trigger any effects owned by the Monster or originating from other Auras, such as Charged Chant, Charging Shield, and Leadership. Multiple instances of allied Fuel on the field do not stack.


Monster Elements Stats Count
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
11 Steam Golem Steam Golem Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness wind Icon fire resistance
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26 Magmamoth Magmamoth Icon FireIcon WindIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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69 Skorch Skorch Icon FireIcon Earth Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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75 Goblin Pilot Goblin Pilot Icon FireIcon WindIcon Neutral Icon weakness windIcon weakness water
Icon fire resistanceIcon earth resistance
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