Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Gemstone Barrage
Icon gemstone barrage Gemstone Barrage 240
Icon mana
3 x 100% (300%)
Icon Magical
Icon Earth
damage to all enemies
Applies Regeneration to all allies


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
4 Spectral Lion Spectral Lion Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness wind Icon earth resistance
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32 Goblin King Goblin King Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon magical resistance
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33 Raduga Raduga Icon FireIcon WaterIcon WindIcon Earth Icon elemental shift
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36 Aurumtail Aurumtail Icon WindIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon magical resistance
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39 Crystal Snail Crystal Snail Icon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness waterIcon weakness wind Icon physical resistance
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86 Draconoir Draconoir Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon earth resistanceIcon neutral resistance
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