Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Icon gigadrill Gigadrill 230
Icon mana
6 x 100% (600%)
Icon Physical
Icon Neutral
damage - Applies Armor Break
Applies Might and Barrier to itself


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
27 Molebear Molebear Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon earth resistance
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55 Ucan Ucan Icon WaterIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon water resistance
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62 Goblin Miner Goblin Miner Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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75 Goblin Pilot Goblin Pilot Icon FireIcon WindIcon Neutral Icon weakness windIcon weakness water
Icon fire resistanceIcon earth resistance
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110 Terradrile Terradrile Icon WindIcon Earth Icon weakness water Icon wind resistance
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