Magical Resistance is a passive ability that reduces Magical damage taken by 50%. This is different from a Passive skill, as it is inherent to the species of Monster and does not require a skill point.
Monster | Elements | Stats | ||||||||
Image | Name | |||||||||
29 | Goblin Brute | ▐▐▐▐
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30 | Goblin Hood | ▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐
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31 | Goblin Warlock | ▐
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32 | Goblin King | ▐▐▐▐
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36 | Aurumtail | ▐▐
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42 | Ninki | ▐▐▐▐
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43 | Ninki Nanka | ▐▐▐▐
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61 | Manticorb | ▐
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