Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Mega Protect
Icon mega protect Mega Protect 240
Icon mana
Redirects the next attack targeting each ally to this Monster
Shield all allies for 3 x (250 + 30%
Icon defense


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
19 Crackle Knight Crackle Knight Icon WindIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon wind resistance
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29 Goblin Brute Goblin Brute Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon magical resistance
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57 Thornish Thornish Icon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness wind Icon earth resistance
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77 Targoat Targoat Icon Neutral Icon weakness magical Icon water resistanceIcon fire resistance
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105 Rathops Rathops Icon FireIcon WaterIcon WindIcon Earth Icon weakness wind Icon water resistance
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