Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Icon neutral resistance

Neutral Resistance is a passive ability that reduces Neutral. This is different from a Passive skill, as it is inherent to the species of Monster and does not require a skill point.


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
66 Draconov Draconov Icon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon debuff resistanceIcon neutral resistance
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74 Mimic Mimic Icon FireIcon WaterIcon WindIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness magical Icon earth resistanceIcon neutral resistance
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83 Arachlich Arachlich Icon WaterIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness magical Icon neutral resistanceIcon water resistance
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86 Draconoir Draconoir Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness physical Icon earth resistanceIcon neutral resistance
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