Monster Sanctuary Wiki
#22 - Nightwing
Nightwing journal
Icon weakness fire
Icon wind resistance
Icon Wind
Icon Neutral
Nightwing Nightwing light Nightwing dark
Icon attack
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐         

Icon magic

Icon defense

Icon health

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐        

Icon attack
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐        

Icon magic

Icon defense

Icon health

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐      

Icon attack
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐        

Icon magic

Icon defense

Icon health

Icon mana
▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐


  • Dark room vision
Common Loot
Icon grapes Grapes
Icon craftable Wool

Rare Loot
Icon craftable Red Gem
Icon fang Fang+2
All healing skills give the healed Monster a Charge stack for each heal. (Active and Passive)
Unique Aura: Bleed stacks on enemies are not removed when they take Bleed damage.


The Nightwing is possibly the most stealthy predator that nature has ever produced. It produces no audible sound and it seems as if it's able to meld with the shadows - a combination of extremely keen instincts and magic. It is known to feed on the blood of humans, animals and even other Monsters. It is believed to be able to see in the dark, sense the blood of any warm-blooded being from miles away, and hear the breathing sound of a sleeping human or animal.


There are many stories and myths in the Old World surrounding the Nightwing. The names of the Nightwing are countless: King of the Night, Blood-Demon, Vampire and Chupacabra are only a few of them. However, it was only a matter of time until humanity's desire for expansion encroached on their territory. More and more forests vanished so that factories and cities could be built, until the Nightwing was pushed away into the caves, sewers, and ruins of the Old World. In 129 AC, a group of Monster Keepers decided to bring the Nightwings to the Sanctuary, despite the perceived difficulty of such a mission. They were surprised to find that the Nightwings were quite eager to come with them.


Nightwing can be encountered in the Stronghold Dungeon or Ancient Woods. It can also be obtained from Reward Box lvl 1. Click here for its location details!


Icon air sickle
Skill lvl 1
Icon lifesteal
Icon air sickle
Skill lvl 2
Icon evasion
Icon defense plus
Icon crit chance plus
Icon attack proc
Icon air sickle
Skill lvl 3
Icon cyclone
Skill lvl 1
Icon attack plus
Icon crit chance plus
Icon armor bypass
Icon air sickle
Skill lvl 4
Icon cyclone
Skill lvl 2
Icon wind affinity
Icon mana proc
Icon evasion
Icon air sickle
Skill lvl 5
Icon cyclone
Skill lvl 3
Icon assistance
Icon attack plus
Icon beating
Skill lvl 1
Icon bleed
Icon beating
Skill lvl 2
Icon health plus
Icon crit chance plus
Icon health plus
Icon deep wounds
Icon beating
Skill lvl 3
Icon bite
Skill lvl 1
Icon attack plus
Icon feast
Icon giantsbane
Icon beating
Skill lvl 4
Icon bite
Skill lvl 2
Icon defense plus
Icon bleed
Icon giantsbane
Icon beating
Skill lvl 5
Icon bite
Skill lvl 3
Icon health plus
Icon spellshield
Skill lvl 1
Icon healing shield
Icon shroud
Skill lvl 1
Icon critical consistency
Icon health plus
Icon mana upkeep
Icon dodging
Icon shroud
Skill lvl 2
Icon full utility
Skill lvl 1
Icon crit damage plus
Icon mana plus
Icon buff charging
Icon shroud
Skill lvl 3
Icon full utility
Skill lvl 2
Icon mana stability
Icon critical mass
Icon charging shield
Icon critical buffs
Icon full utility
Skill lvl 3
Icon defense plus
Icon buffing heal
Icon typhoon cut Icon carnage Icon mythic

List Form[]

Damaging Actions
Skill Icon mana Effect
Icon air sickle Air Sickle
Icon Physical
Icon Wind
50 4 x 40% (160%) damage
lv2 80 4 x 55% (220%) damage
lv3 110 5 x 55% (275%) damage
lv4 150 5 x 70% (350%) damage
lv5 210 5 x 95% (475%) damage
Icon beating Beating
Icon Physical
Icon Neutral
30 4 x 40% (160%) damage
lv2 60 5 x 40% (200%) damage
lv3 90 6 x 45% (270%) damage
lv4 130 7 x 50% (350%) damage
lv5 180 8 x 55% (440%) damage
Icon cyclone Cyclone
Icon Physical
Icon Wind
110 2 x 75% (150%) damage to all
lv2 160 2 x 100% (200%) damage to all
lv3 210 2 x 130% (260%) damage to all
Icon bite Bite
Icon Physical
Icon Neutral
120 2 x 170% (340%) damage + Heal self for 2 x (50 + 40%
Icon attack
lv2 160 3 x 130% (390%) damage + Heal self for 3 x (50 + 30%
Icon attack
lv3 220 4 x 125% (500%) damage + Heal self for 4 x (75 + 25%
Icon attack

Non-damaging Actions
Skill Icon mana Effect
Icon spellshield Spellshield lv1
50 Applies Spellshield (Buff) to whole party
Icon shroud Shroud lv1
80 Applies Spellshield (Buff) to whole party, and Agility (Buff) to 1 Monster
lv2 110 Applies Spellshield (Buff) to whole party, and Agility (Buff) to 2 Monsters
lv3 140 Applies Spellshield & Agility (Buffs) to whole party
Icon full utility Full Utility lv1
100 Applies Channel, Regeneration, & Sidekick (Buffs)
lv2 150 Applies Channel, Regeneration, Sidekick, & Glory (Buffs)
lv3 210 Applies Channel, Regeneration, Sidekick, Glory, & Barrier (Buffs)

Ultimate Skills
Icon typhoon cut Typhoon Cut 210
Icon mana
6 x 90% (540%)
Icon Physical
Icon Wind
Applies Glory, Sidekick, and Agility to itself
Icon carnage Carnage 220
Icon mana
2 x 165% (330%)
Icon Physical
Icon Neutral
damage to all enemies
Heal all allies for 1 x (500 + 150%
Icon attack
Icon mythic Mythic 210
Icon mana
Applies Glory, Channel, and Regeneration to all allies

Stat Boost Passives
Skill Effect
Icon attack plus Attack Plus x3 Improve
Icon attack
rating by 1
Icon defense plus Defense Plus x3 Improve
Icon defense
rating by 1
Icon health plus Health Plus x4 Improve
Icon health
rating by 1
Icon mana plus Mana Plus Improve
Icon mana
rating by 1
Icon crit chance plus Crit Chance Plus x3 +5% Critical Chance
Icon crit damage plus Crit Damage Plus +15% Critical Damage
Icon evasion Evasion x2 Critical Chance also increases the chance to dodge enemy hits by 20% of the value.
Icon critical consistency Critical Consistency +10% Critical Damage. Critical Damage also increases non-Critical hits by 10% of the amount.
Icon dodging Dodging Increases chance to dodge enemy hits by 8%.
Icon wind affinity Wind Affinity Wind attacks deal 10% increased damage.
Icon mana stability Mana Stability Increases Defense by 15% of this Monster's Max Mana.

Aura Passives
Skill Effect
Icon deep wounds Deep Wounds Aura: Bleed damage on enemies is increased by 40%.
Icon mana upkeep Mana Upkeep Aura: Increases Mana Regeneration of the whole party by 10%.
Icon feast Feast Aura: Whenever an enemy takes Bleed damage, heal all Monsters in the party by 15% of that amount.

Skill Effect
Icon attack proc Attack Proc Every attack triggers an additional hit equal to 35% of Attack value.
Icon mana proc Mana Proc Every attack triggers an additional hit equal to 50% of Max Mana.

Special Passives
Skill Effect
Icon lifesteal Lifesteal Heal by 15% of the damage dealt to enemies.
Icon bleed Bleed x2 Critical Hits apply Bleed stacks equal to 20% of the damage dealt.
Icon healing shield Healing Shield Healing skills (active and passive) also apply a Shield equal to 20% of the amount healed.
Icon armor bypass Armor Bypass This Monster's attacks ignore 20% of the target's Defense damage reduction value.
Icon giantsbane Giantsbane x2 This Monster deals 5% more damage. Against enemies with a Health rating of 7 or higher, damage is increased by 20% instead.
Icon buff charging Buff Charging When this Monster applies a Buff, it gains a Charge stack.
Icon assistance Assistance Every heal that comes from this Monster (active and passive) has a 10% chance to apply Sidekick (Buff).
Icon critical mass Critical Mass 50% chance to gain a random Buff when landing a Critical Hit.
Icon charging shield Charging Shield Shield self for 60 when receiving a Charge stack.
Icon critical buffs Critical Buffs When applying a Buff, there is a chance to also apply 2 Charge stacks, equal to this Monster's Critical Chance.
Icon buffing heal Buffing Heal When applying a Buff, also heal the target by 50% of this Monster's Magic.

Encounter Loadouts[]

Wild Battles[]

Below are the skills Nightwing has in wild encounters (including Champion battles). In Infinity Arena, the difficulty is always set to Normal and Monsters can use their Ultimate skills upon reaching level 100.

Known Skills

Icon air sickle Icon beating Icon cyclone


Icon dodging Icon evasion Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus

Advanced (min level: 25)

Icon assistance Icon bleed Icon health plus Icon crit chance plus

Master Mode

Icon bleed Icon feast Icon lifesteal Icon defense plus Icon health plus Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus Icon crit chance plus Icon crit damage plus

Keeper Duels[]


Builds & Discussions[]

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