Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Severe Upkeep
Skill Effect
Icon severe upkeep Severe Upkeep Unique Aura: Whenever an enemy takes Poison or Burn (Debuff) damage, 50% chance to inflict a Wound stack on them.


Severe Upkeep is a Unique Aura passive skill that has a chance to inflict a Wound stack on an enemy that has taken Burn or Poison damage. On the first Burn and Poison damage proc on an enemy, the chance is 50%. The chance is reduced to 25% on subsequent procs. Multiple instances of allied Severe Upkeep on the field do not stack.


Monster Elements Stats Count
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
6 Magmapillar Magmapillar Icon FireIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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44 Vasuki Vasuki Icon FireIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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58 Nautilid Nautilid Icon WaterIcon WindIcon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness windIcon weakness debuff Icon physical resistance
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64 Lava Blob Lava Blob Icon FireIcon Neutral Icon weakness water Icon fire resistance
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82 Argiope Argiope Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon wind resistance
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Icon severe upkeep
Severe Upkeep
Icon severe cold
Severe Cold