Monster Sanctuary Wiki
Spore Nebula
Icon spore nebula Spore Nebula 230
Icon mana
3 x 95% (285%)
Icon Magical
Icon Earth
damage to all enemies
Every hit has a 20% chance to apply Weakness


Monster Elements Stats
Image Name
Icon attack
Icon defense
Icon defense
Icon attack
Icon magic
Icon health
Icon defense
Icon mana
7 Rocky Rocky Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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15 Fungi Fungi Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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84 Moccus Moccus Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness neutral Icon earth resistance
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88 Plague Egg Plague Egg Icon FireIcon WindIcon Earth Icon weakness water Icon earth resistance
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103 Fumagus Fumagus Icon EarthIcon Neutral Icon weakness fire Icon earth resistance
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